Our Story
This whole thing started with a joke.
I know what you’re thinking. “How is that even possible?”.
Well, slow down and I’ll tell ya.
Back near the end of 2018 I wanted a necklace, but I’m a cheap guy and didn’t want to buy one. So 19 year old me said, “Pffft, I can make that.”
I was wrong, I failed miserably. But after another 3 hours of failing, I finally found a method that worked.
I was so proud, holding something in my hand that I had made.
And for the past 3 years, I’ve been chasing that feeling. There’s a sense of pride when making something from scratch and we strive to give others that feeling as well. Whether that looks like supplying you with materials to make something yourself or just giving you a small piece of joy from something made by me, we’ve got you covered. But enough of that crummy sales pitch, let’s get back to the story.
It was on the way home from the store that all of this became a real, tangible idea. As I drove the short 3 minute drive home, I jokingly said out loud to myself (I swear I’m not a weirdo): “Well, since they wouldn’t sell me 2 nails, guess I’ll have to make my $15 dollars back”. And that phrase. That simple, little, meaningless phrase spoken out of comedic relief to my non-existent audience started all of this.
Now when I said that I couldn’t even fathom that I’d be where I am now. Creating on a daily basis, making custom orders for complete strangers all around the world, diving into the realm of laser engraving, and loving every second of this crazy journey. It truly has been a blessing to be able to create something for so many of my friends, family, or strangers around the world!
I’m just a 24 year old, Christ following, hardworking, Star Wars lovin’, music blasting kinda guy who loves to see the small amount of joy a product or gift can bring to someone’s life, whether that be as small as a keychain or a fully custom Settlers set (shameless plug right there).