ROM8.6 Dog Tag Necklace


Shipping January 2022

I want to give these away. More on that at the end. But for now, credits.

This necklace holds a special place in my heart. To be woken up in the middle of the night with a mental image and no way to draw is BRUTAL, let me tell you. Thank you to @nat.maerz for providing her expertise on figuring out what I wanted, and to @lefixart for the beautiful end result.

R O M 8 : 6

“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

Our generation has been targeted over the last few years with social media about how you should feel, what you should look like, and things you need to see. For everyone.

But I want to focus on the guys here.

Young boys and men are being enticed with images and lewd content wherever you turn. Social media, the internet, movies, tv shows, ads, you name it, sex is there. It’s rampant in our culture, and totally accepted.

As a Christian, and someone who’s been personally affected by this, it’s harmful and destructive on so many fronts. On relationships, your mind, heart and just about everything in your daily life.

This is my daily reminder, to “kill” my carnal mind (enter the stabby stab in the brain) and focus on something else, some One else.

Now, this might not be for everyone, or you might not see a problem and that’s okay. But to those who need help, who are trying to change, I’m here for ya.

As I said, I want to give these away for a bit.

One per person (guy or girl, we all need the reminder)

I’ll be taking “pre-orders” here, or on my website for the end of January.

I think I’ve got about 50 of these blanks ready to be engraved, so we’ll see if that’ll be enough.

If you made it this far, thank you. If you have questions, DM me, I’d love to chat.

Love you all ❤️

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